Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Obama: Actually Doing Some Good!

When I explained to my Darling Wife the possible implications of some well-intentioned things being attempted by Team Obama, she started thinking a little differently.

Today, she asked me "well, how are we supposed to store two years' worth of food, if we don't have any place to store two years' worth of food?"

And I said to myself:

A conversation followed, the gist of which was that I would have the garage all squared away like we want, if I had all kinds of time to do the work.

Then I went and started chopping limbs off a tree that is rubbing one side of the roof right off our house. After an hour or so, she came and told me she wanted me to knock off for a while, because the baby is making it hard to get supper to happen for everybody.

Gee, I wonder why I have such a long (and growing) backlog of projects?

At any rate, the point of this post is that, thanks to some things that are increasingly obviously potentially very bad, done by the current administration, my wife is coming around to a more preparedness-oriented mindset (scroll down to the definition of victory.).

Coming around a little. She would still look at me as if I had grown another eyeball if I came home with a few fighting rifles and cases of ammunition, but she doesn't roll her eyes at me quite so much anymore. . . .

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