Friday, May 22, 2009

Democrat: A Pejorative For Someone Without Opinions

. . . unless you count "hay, what do you guys over there want to do next?" as an opinion.

When our nation was young and men were men, it was a grave insult to call someone a democrat. Now they say it like it's a good thing.

Hold on there.

A democrat is someone who lacks the conviction within himself to say: "Follow me, I know the way!" on the important issues of the day. A democrat is someone who goes after the approbation of the (increasingly) ignorant masses and seeks their pleasure, rather than telling them the right way or, in the case of an actual Leader, getting the masses to think HIS way is the right one, and getting them to think it was THEIR idea!

We don't need more democrats. We don't have a democracy.


If you are a Democrat looking for leadership from Washington, D.C., this is not talking about you. You want your government to Do The Right Thing and that's normal. The problem is, we currently have a crop of moral cowards in the Capitol, and your voice MATTERS. I can't count on the fingers of both hands, the number of times that major policy initiatives have been completely killed in recent months, because the People of the country made their voices heard. Until we can manage to convince some Good Men to stand up and sacrifice themselves for public service and get them elected, you MUST GET INVOLVED. If you think something should be different, go to the senate or house website and call or email your Elected Heroes.

Your opinion does count!

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