Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Take Not Council Of Thy Fears

~or~ Go FASTER in the wet, People!

I know this is a foreign concept around here, and somewhat more difficult to understand because huge, fluffy snowflakes are falling on your car, but come on now: If you are splashing WATER on the car next to you as they pass you on the right, you need to either move over, or speed up, or both.


It snowed in Austin and all the surrounding area today. Actual makes-perfect-snowballs snow, along with some sleet and freezing rain. By lunch there was some accumulation and I made a snowmonster on the front lawn at work. The snow looked like about an inch and a half deep, plenty enough to make up . . .

Algore the Abominable!!!!1!


Because I work with a valiant bunch of lads, by the time I came out from the shop at the day's end, Algore there had taken a pretty nasty shanking to the head, with a kitchen knife as long as he is tall, and plenty of ketchup-gore for effect. Also he had sprouted a huge penis, because they are young males, after all.

There was reportedly a snowball fight between the General Manager and Maintenance Dude. One of the drivers waited 10 minutes but the attackers held out, and eventually he was ambushed by 4 snowball laden men when he got out of his truck.


Did Al Gore come into town? What's the deal with all the global warming on the ground then?

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