Tuesday, September 14, 2010

France Actually Fighting An Enemy?

Well, it's legislation, not bullets, so sure why not? France is one step away from banning the burkha. No full veils, in the whole country. Good.

But VFD it's a religion's tradition! It's protected speech!

It is not required by islam. It is not in the koran. It is not a religious symbol, but an ownership symbol. The burqa is a public sign of the total enslavement of a woman. To a woman brainwashed into islam it is a religious expression. If a woman makes it a part of her religion to be shot in the face with a shotgun, should the State sanction her being shot?


Hours after this French Senate vote, the Eiffel Tower was evacuated due to a bomb threat. The official word was basically immediate, that these two stories were not related.


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