Saturday, February 26, 2011

Six Million Dollar Man Resumes Drinking Habit

It is a little-known fact* that the Six Million Dollar Man used to drink more than Ed McMahon** before he had his little "accident***" and became the $6M Man. Well, now he can take it up again and not worry about smashing his liver into little cirrhotic bits. The Russians have the technology; they can rebuild him.

If this is true, it is a game changer for a bunch of reasons. An artificial liver that not only filters the blood, but can convince a failing liver to give it the ol' college try? Spiffy.

*I may have made up this fact
**McMahon was sober, but he let Johnny poke fun at him for drinking. What? It was a comedy show!
***May have been caused by the CIA and/or the Japanese mafia. Maybe.

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