Monday, August 29, 2011

That's One Law-Abidin' Family, Right There.

Auntie Zetuni is officially not going to be prosecuted for being an illegal immigrant, since her nephew is the President. That would be, AFTER she was ordered deported.

Do we really need to revisit the way bankruptcy LAW was turned on its head in the GM bailout?

And now Obama is arrested. No, not President Barry O, his Uncle. His uncle was arrested. Onyango Obama nearly got in a wreck with (of all things) a Police cruiser . . . because he was driving drunk. AFTER he was ordered deported for being an illegal immigrant.

Illegal immigration: maybe you can guess where the President gets the idea it's okay?

No, no, I won't mention that he STILL hasn't produced a non-fakies birth certificate (or school transcripts, or immigration paperwork or ANYTHING) showing that he's actually from here, that would just be racist!

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