Wednesday, December 8, 2010

If You Drive Like This, You STINK!

I had the misfortune to be behind a nasty sort of driver in traffic today. A male with a female passenger in a little pickup truck. This guy stopped at a light in front of me and he was obviously engaging the passengeress in conversation. Then the light turned green and the conversation continued.

The problem? He was spending at least 1/2 the time looking toward his passenger instead of looking at the road, including when he was driving.

WTH are you looking at, and why isnt' it the road? Do you really need to see your sub. nodding agreement so badly you'll risk a crash? Are you a control freak or something? Or do you have some insecurity that forces you to keep checking she's still listening? Do you have OCD and you have to keep checking to make sure she's still there? Dude, she's not going anywhere so how about you just stop turning your head already.

At least I was safely behind him. I shudder to think what might happen to the people in front of and beside this joker.

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