Saturday, June 6, 2009

It Used To Be A Joke. Now You Can See What's Next.

When most people in America hadn't been given over to reprobate minds yet, this was scoffed at.

One of the arguments against the dilution of the concept of marriage went like this: If you let those queers say they are married, every whack job will want in on the act. Next you'll be getting cries from polygamists that it's their turn. After that, people will be asking to be able to have sex with children and animals!

We used to think it would never happen here. Well, it's their turn now.

Stand by. Next the pederasts will want to have legal consent from their boys, and the "animal lovers" will be coming into the spotlight demanding "equal treatment under the law" as well.

You watch. If the courts allow the one group to call themselves "married", I defy you to give me an argument against any of the others.

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