Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jordan Wants Dead Sea Scrolls Back

One of the most historically significant proofs of the historic claims of the hated jooooo for his ancient homeland being palestine, (note the lowercase "p") the Dead Sea Scrolls, are currently in Jewish custody. They were seized when Jordan (with a few other MUSLIM nations) invaded Israel in a concerted effort to wipe the Jewish nation off the map in 1967.

Israel kicked ass and took names, as well as taking the dead sea scrolls, the West Bank, the Golan Heights, etc., as a result of PEACE THROUGH VICTORY in a WAR with her neighbors. You win in a war, you get the good stuff and the land. Hence the phrase "to the victor go the spoils"

Jordan is now saying it wants those scrolls back. If that is the case, they can have ANOTHER war of aggression and this time successfully invade Israel. Otherwise, kick bricks pal.

It is well within accepted standard practice for muslims to destroy historical evidence and then say it never existed, or proved something beside what it obviously proved. That's why the muslims have bulldozed parts of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to obliterate archeological evidence. It wouldn't surprise me if that's at least a part of the reason Jordan wants these scrolls in islamic hands again. Sure they might be put in a Jordanian museum again. . . how long before some mooj burns down the exhibit?

"Scrolls? What scrolls? Oh those scrolls . . . yes, they said that Islam is the Light"

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