Wednesday, January 6, 2010

US Americans to Travelers From 14 Other Countries:

"Welcome to the party, pal!"

So you treat Americans like criminals and they tolerate it, for saaaaafety. You treat people flying in from 14 other countries like criminals and they bitch & moan.

I think we're the ones with the problem, not them. I also think it's pretty stupid, when you can travel from country X to country Y, THEN fly here, to treat ONLY people from country X like criminals.

But liberalism is a mental disorder. Guns on every plane, in every passenger's holster. No nekkid-body-showing, genetic disorder-inducing super-expensive Terahertz ray scanners required. Bomb sniffers are great but dogs are cheaper. You know what really worked the last time we had a problem with Jihad? Killing a jillion muslims until they all calmed down, that's what. But you can't say that. Because liberalism is a mental disorder.

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