Monday, October 26, 2009

Bee Pollen Tastes Like POO!

Depending, of course, where your bees collected their pollen; the flavor is supposed to range from bitter to sweet.

The pollen I got is (mostly) brilliant yellow and dissolves like an Alavert on the tongue. My initial response is that it also has almost the exact same flavor as the smell that came off the "organic particulate" filters we had on our backyard fish pond when I was a kid. The taste of this pollen is 98% the same as the smell of fresh koi FISH POO. Talk about your negative connotations!

So I dissolved the next dose in water. Still tates like poo, but there is much more "plant" flavor to it. I don't much like eating things which taste like plant OR poo, but I suppose I can get used to it. bleh. We'll see if it helps with the allergies.

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