Sunday, October 25, 2009

Greedy Health Insurance Companies Disseminating Propaganda!

Nevermind that your ladies' make-up manufacturer makes 50% profit on stuff made from whale fat.

No, it's the profits the INSURANCE companies make that are evil. Nevermind that they are only netting single-digit profit margins.

Of course, you couldn't tell the difference in a profit and a profit margin to save your life, because you went to government schools in America, and were robbed of anything like an education.

How could their profit margins be so low? Don't they make fat bank off my premiums?

Yours, yes. Old, sick peoples' premiums, not so much. Besides, due to the fact that you actually do have Choice and Competition* when it comes to choosing your health insurer, they have to strive for low prices. They have to see how low they can cut their margins just to get you in the door.


*There are 1,300-something evil, greedy health insurance companies operating in the USA today. The President wants you to be able to choose between the government as your health care payor, or nobody.

1300 or 1, which number of options affords you the most "Choice and Competition?"


And if you were wondering if they get that 5% profit margin by denying claims, just remember: the highest percentage of denied claims from any large insurer are denied BY MEDICARE, which is run by _________ (fill in the blank)!

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