Thursday, February 28, 2008

Why can't I vote for Duncan Hunter?

Because we don't have a national primary election.

This is a problem with both the major political parties.

When a canditate in Chicago can get his message to the electorate in Miami instantlyWhen candidates no longer need to take trains on whistlestop tours of the United StatesWhen the "later" primary dates are completely superfluous in races that end up not so closeWhen voters tend to go for a certain candidate because they have "momentum" after a caucus that has nothing to do with anything and then the other candidate(s) lose support even though they could have wonWhen highly credible reports arise of certain candidates encouraging college students to go to another state to vote in a Caucus

We need a national primary election date for each party. Preferably, for all parties.

I was for Hunter, then I was for Thompson, Then I was for Giuliani. Now I am stuck with McCain or a socialist 'democrat', or a wasted vote in the Presidential election this November. And by the way, I haven't had a chance to say which candidate I prefer. Texas' primary is in a few days.

How is this fair, exactly?

Why does a corn farmer in Iowa determine who will be on my Texas primary ballot?

I call on the people to influence the national party leadership to reform this outdated and broken system. Let them make rules if they like, to limit or promote equal amounts of money for pre-primary advertisements (not the Federal government, the party government) to allow non-super-rich candidates a chance to make themselves known. Let there be a 6 or 12 months informing period so that the voters can intelligently select a candidate to go for on primary day, then

let there be A DAY when everybody votes for their candidates.

non-residents couldn't go across that many state lines to voteCandidates wouldn't lose support due to a loss of "momentum"Candidates could use the rest of the time till the election getting their stuff together against the other parties' nominees

And people wouldn't come out of their caves sometime in the end of February and be surprised to learn that the candidates have been selected before several scores of millions of voters have even had a chance to cast a ballot for or against anybody.

For crying out loud already.

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