Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Re: The Photo of Obama the Evil Black African Muslim:

So Barack Hussein Obabma went to Africa and dressed like an African. So did Both Bushes and at least one notable Clinton and IIRC a Reagan. When in Rome. Everybody is saying it's an attempt at a smear from Hillary's campaign, playing the race and mooslim cards.

Hold on there.

It seems to me that this could be a net positive for Obama. He gets sympathies from people who can actually think about the context of the photo. Also, and more importantly, he has people buzzing about a non-issue. This of course means that nobody is buzzing about the more substantial reasons to be unhappy about Obama as a potential presidential candidate.

Sure somebody in the Clinton camp probably dug this up and tossed it out. Maybe even she didn't know about it in advance. I'm just saying, if we never find out who and why exactly the image came out, it could as easily be from the Obama campaign.

Just sayin', that's all.

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