Thursday, June 26, 2008

Heller: Thank God, AFFIRMED!

w00t! The coffee is weak this morning and I am tired, so excuse me if this post is a little less excellent than all the others, but I am so happy I just had to say something!

SCOTUS No. 07-290
District of Columbia, et. al., Petitioners v. Dick Anthony Heller

"We affirm the judgement of the Court of Appeals. It is so ordered.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, you need to read the syllabus of the decision. If you do know what I'm talking about, and agree with the vast majority of US Americans, you are as happy as I am about this.

Folks, this is why your vote for President matters. If we had one more leftist on the Court, it would likely have gone the other way, and we would now be on an ugly decline into absolute tyranny. As it is, we still have the option to say "no gentlemen, you are coming with me."

Look, the decision is not 100% the one I would have wanted, but it is a HUGE tipping point. Look for lawsuits in Chicago and NYC, possibly also in Kalifornia.

They upheld "reasonable restrictions" but that's a lot better for you than striking down "individual rights". It's easy enough for a modern level-headed person to understand but folks have not always had the same understanding. If this case had come 20 years ago, it would have gone the other way. There has been a lot of midnight oil burned and some serious scholars have done some serious research in the last decades, and we owe them all our thanks. It used to be common knowledge in legal circles that the People in the second amendment were not the same People in the first and fifth, and certainly not the 14th. Some anti-gun scholars were surprised when they learned the truth, and these we especially should thank, because they reported their results anyway.

This is a long decision and I have a yob, so it's going to be a while, but I'm thinking about a more in-depth posting about it. We'll see.

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