Friday, May 30, 2008

The FLDS Folks Begin to Obtain Redress ... Soon?

The Texas supreme Court has declared that the state overstepped their authority in taking those FLDS kids from their parents because their parents belonged to a baaaaad religious group. Give back.

Let's see how long they will drag this out.

In soviet Russia, they would bring a case and (literally) beat up the "accused" because they said they were innocent. The tenor of the response would be: How dare you say you are innocent and the prosecutor is wrong, after all the effort the state has put into this investigation. You must be guilty because an accusation has been brought!

Hold on there.

Does anyone see a resemblance?

What do you mean, you should get your kids back? Didn't we have an accusation brought? Don't some of the yung'ins have children? Doesn't that mean that you shouldn't have due process of law in an individual case? How dare you say that the state in all its power does not have a right to take the children?

Whose children are they, anyhow?

Not the State's.
Not the Parents'.

The children born into this world are PEOPLE. They are not PROPERTY. I tell my kids that they are mine, and what is theirs is mine, because they are not intellectually developed enough to understand the following:

People belong to their maker. You did not make your children, you made sex. God mixed the magic juice and made the children in their mothers' wombs. "Before I formed you in the belly I knew you." and "It is he that hath made us, and not we, ourselves". Children are born to parents who, ideally, are happily, with deep commitment, truly down-for-the-struggle Married. Not "we're seeing if it will work out" shacked up. Not a one night stand, rape or incest. Married.

The home of a married couple is the BEST environment in which a child can be reared. The father and mother balance each other's foibles, and their strengths and weaknesses complement each other. A child sees the way people should relate, and grows (hopefully) into a balanced individual.

The State is made BY people, FOR people. The state is supposed to protect people from damage by non-people and itself, as well as provide infrastructure that would be unfeasible to do privately (international diplomacy, armed forces, and, arguably, streets, to name a few functions). The State is not the ideal parent for a child. The State has a responsibility to to see that children are not abused, but that's a pretty narrow limitation.

I'm sorry if you don't like it, but having a kooky sending-you-to-hell religion that involves multiple wives is NOT the same as hitting a 5 year-old with a pipe wrench. Living in your own compound and having consensual relations between adults is NOT the same as starving a teenager locked in a closet. You're getting closer if you say, forcing a child into marriage at 14 and getting them pregnant, is a violation of human rights (given by God, by the way) that the State should try to punish.

That means, maybe, a couple dozen criminal cases here. it does NOT mean 440+ children arbitrarily grabbed at gunpoint, or burning down your compound with 80 people inside. Yes the examples are related.

It is only a small difference in scale, between burning your house down over your head, and stealing all your children, especially if the reasons for that action BY THE STATE are similar.

But I digress.

The State is not a parent, and the children are not the property of the State. The State does not get to say how children are to be reared, only that they are not to be abused. If the State doesn't like the way you rear your children, the proper response by ALL of us The People should be: Tough Cookies, Bite One.

God has given the responsibility for the rearing of children to the parents. The parents will do the best they can, and as they see fit. When we start acquiescing as a society to the taking of children because the parents' religion is different to ours, we are running headlong down a slippery slope.

I will lose my children for being a member of a cult with kinky sex action
I will lose my children for being a member of a cult
I will lose my children for being a member of a fundamentalist religion
I will lose my children for being a member of a religion
I will lose my children for publicly having religious ideas
I will lose my children for publicly voicing unpopular ideas
I will lose my children for suspicion of unpopular ideas
I will lose my children for unpopular actions
I will lose my children for smoking
for not seeing that they have health insurance
for not putting them in the assigned government school
for not feeding them properly
for not indoctrinating them properly
for not being a Party member
for not having a licence to have children
etc., and it gets worse.

Does it sound ridiculous? Then contact your local Elected Heroes and tell them you are outraged at the FLDS case in principle, whether or not they are responsible for it. Because YOUR children are next.

You freak.

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