Monday, January 5, 2009

Rediscovering First Principles

It recently became a part of my awareness that I am, with God's help I suppose, discovering for myself my own set of First Principles. It is part of my (everybody has a) sob story, as well as a failing of our parents' and grandparents' generations (I'm 30 years old, that makes me an X'er, I think), that I have to do this. I am under the impression that our great-great grandparents had this stuff pounded into them. Sometimes literally. They never had to question whether or not a woman should have the door held for her, or whether or not you can do something that is evil per se

I hope to clarify a set of First Principles enough in my mind to be able to type them out for you. A general rule of thumb is that, if you can make a young child or someone completely ignorant of your subject understand what you are saying, you know what you are talking about.

So, in the future, I hope that this will not be the only post in this category.

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