Sunday, January 24, 2010

What Does Allah Look Like?

Allah is the name given to a stone. That stone was worshiped as a moon deity for generations in a shrine with no roof (along with 300 other idols) when Mohammed was born. He made up a religion that put Allah as the supreme deity, equivalent to the Jews' Yaweh. If you want to read the story from the pages of Islam's holy books, with insightful commentary, click on the page with this title, at this link: Islam in Muhammad's Own Words

In the heart of modern-day Mecca, there is a huge black box. It is sacred to the Muslims of the world. Only muslim men are allowed into the courtyard around it to pray. You have to be somebody to get inside to see the stone itself. Somebody like the President of Pakistan. Or his photographer. This is Allah:

(the black thing in the middle of the vaguely vagina-looking silvery bit)

Perhaps you can't tell from that shot, so let the President give you a sense of perspective. Here you can see just how truly impressive is the massive size, the unimaginable dimensions of Allah:


So there, that's what all the fuss is about. A little black stone with a penchant for torturing non-muslims in hell. Click the first link and read all about it before you get upset at me.

A big ol' hat tip to synthstuff.


belajou said...

I'm a Muslim.. this is not Allah.. Allah is God, who sent Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, David, Solomon, Noah, Lot, Joseph... we only worship him.. not the black stone, nor the Kaaba.. just wanted to clarify..

Vote For David said...

Peace be upon you belajou. As one who has studied the Koran, Sunnah, and Hadith, and as a lifelong student of the Bible, I disagree with you. Allah is a personal name for this thing, which is an idol. It is noteworthy that, when his religion was new, Mohammed tried to get people to worship a god from a different city but they would not, because they did not know of it. They knew allah already because it had been worshiped a long time before he came along.

The God who sent all those men you mentioned (with the exception of Mohammed) and the god of the Koran are two different persons.

If I know a man named Jonas who beats his wife and dogs, who is tall and blonde haired with blue eyes, and you know a man named Jonas who is kind, short, and has brown hair and eyes, are they the same man because we call them both Jonas?

GB-Arg said...

From the actions of their worshippers,

Allah is a god of hate, and death, and ugliness, and irrationality.

G0D is all love, and growth, and beauty, and predictabilty.

It is an almost impossible challenge to know either one.