Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Where's That Tiny Violin?

There is a new census bureau report saying more people than EVAR are below the poverty line in America. Well boo-frikken-hoo.

You know what? The poverty line is TOTALLY ARBITRARY. If you move the line to $2000 annual income = poverty, there will be fewer people "in poverty." If you move the line to $2,000,000 income = poverty, there will be 300,000,000 people "in poverty" so . . .


The poor, poor, pitiful poor people in America are not poor. Get that through your head, and then roll your eyes next time you hear this line about the children starving and people living in squalor during this election season.

Now, if you want to talk about living in squalor, let's have a trip over to Kenya and have a look at how the President of the United States' BROTHER is living . . .

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