Wednesday, March 26, 2008

And That Would Be The Wrong Answer Also

or, Why I Was Screaming Cussing In My Car On The Way To Work.

from the Turkish Press:

So the Navy has a cargo vessel under contract with an armed Naval patrol onboard. In the Suez Canal. Several small craft approach and all but one turn away at the urging of verbal commands, warning flares, and warning shots fired. And one continues. The sailors (USN sailors) open fire on the vessel. An Egyptian Citizen is KIA.

And the Bushies expressed regret over the shooting.

And I said to my radio, in rather emphatic tones, that this was not the proper response. That, in fact what Bush should have said is:

"If you keep coming on our at our ship during a shooting war (warship or no) and there have been recent acts of piracy in that part of the world, and we told you go away, shot warning flares and warning BULLETS at you, and you see a bunch of guys coming out on decks with EBRs and MGs . . . if under those conditions you continue to approach,

THAT'S WHAT YOU ******* GET YOU *******!!"

I guess we are playing both sides of the fence here, though. To the arab mind, what matters is action. You approach our boat and ignore warnings, that's a shootin'. To the squishy american leftist mind, intent matters. We regret having to waste bullets on you terrorists this shooting and our condolences to the family. "oh, that's okaaay, they didn't meeeean to kiiiil anybodyyy"

That is all.

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