Sunday, March 30, 2008

Dear Sweet Jesus We Are All Doomed.

Apparently, some really (otherwise-)smart people have NEVER seen any of Gov. Schwarzenegger's Terminator series, or much Sci-fi at all for that matter. They are building a robot that weighs what a big man does, that can go over apparently any terrain, and carry what five men could. Autonomously. And it can right itself if you try to kick it over. Watch this. Turn the sound low because it sounds like a weedeater when it's on gas power.

Okay, that is seriously cool, as well as creepy, and it does (as Drawing Toward Armageddon points out) tend to evoke sympathy when it struggles, but...

Big Dog only needs a gun, and a connection to SkyNet, and we're done. Come on people, if you need to carry more stuff in, get more people. It'll all end in tears, this way.

Well now, wait a minute, right? It is, after all, only a machine, right?

After all, It's not like a robot will just go off on its own and start killing people, right? I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

Ask yourself: wouldn't it be helpful? I mean, you wouldn't have to use people to police the streets OR the floors!

Hold on there.

It's all fun & games, until we lose control of the system.

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