Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mothers Day Fail 2012

So this morning, my Darling Wife got up and found a new fuzzy blanket on the couch. Then her wonderful husband made pancakes. Then #1 came out slightly green around the gills and said she didn't feel good. And during breakfast, the phone rang.

So we celebrated Mothers Day by . . . going to my brother's house and fixing it up. He had a tenant move out of a rent house and there was a to-do-list a mile long. And he's up against a mortgage payment if he can't get it rented this week. I fixed his toilet which failed at least four different ways, fixed his oven that was not lighting at all, mounted some curtain brackets, helped reverse the doors on the fridge, and that was the day.

Now she's off to visit a friend who just delivered a baby.

Museum trip and Nice Meal for mothers day: not so much. Oh well. Better luck next year.

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