Tuesday, August 26, 2008

They Aren't Talking About YOU, Jerk!

From World Net Daily:

So there was a competition and the winning child's drawing was used. That's fine. The sign it was put on is the international yield/caution triangle. That's fine. The picture is a cartoon of two OBVIOUSLY ELDERLY people.

The sign in question

Is obviously NOT an honest attempt to warn drivers to be careful that they might see that exact thing, in 3-D and in living color in the street! NO that sign is obviously AGEIST and OFFENSIVE and YOU MUST TAKE IT DOWN!!!!1!!

Look old folks If you don't use a cane and have a hunch back, be grateful! the sign isn't talking about you. Believe it or not, you are not the center of the universe, and there really are people who look like that, who take a long time to cross the street. Of course, if they get run over, that's nothing to you right? Who cares if a few elderly elderly people get creamed?

Get over yourself. Just because your legal age qualifies you as elderly, that doesn't mean you actually are "elderly". Don't get your Depends in a bunch because the sign reminds you that you are getting old.

You are



and you are going to DIE!

Just like the other 6.5 Billion of us.

Get over that, too.

P.S. if you believe in Jesus, dieing is actually a step up, but that's the topic of another posting.

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