Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Barack Obama: a New Kind Of Politician!

You remember when John Kerry's fellow servicemembers came out and told the world that he wasn't as big a hero in Vietnam as he remembered? You remember how he tried to shut them up?

Yeah, Obama is doing the same thing now. Obama's campaign has said he was friends with William Ayers, and now somebody who can afford it has taken out ads mentioning that Obama got his political career started by visiting Ayers, and oh yes by the way Ayers is an unrepentant america-hating TERRORIST who BOMBED HIS OWN COUNTRY.

Making a Change You Can Believe In from the way big city machine politicians typically stifle dissent, the Obamanites now have a LAWSUIT TO PREVENT COMMERCIALS TELLING THE TRUTH about their guy.

Yep, he's all about that first amendment. The second one, too. Also the tenth.

Oh, wait. Check that. Reverse it. Theeeere, now it's right.

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