Saturday, August 23, 2008

Yep, I Was Right.

. . . I DO have something disparaging to say about the running mate pick.

Folks, there is a REASON why BIDEN isn't the Candidate, and the Candidate apparently forgot about that when he picked someone 'with experience'. I suppose Obmaminitly thought it was a compliment to be referred to as a Black Man who is "articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy" . . . I thought it was insulting and derogatory, as well as racist, myself but Offenses can only be taken, right? Or maybe the "white" half of Obama agreed with Biden about his "black" half. I dunno. But ANYways:

So, Captain Hopey Changey, a NEW kind of politician, Looking for Change (tm), chose as his running mate...

A 35-year veteran of The Way Things Have Always Been. Of course, if you were really paying attention, you would know that Barry Obama is actually a lightweight emptysuit big city machine politician, and the change he really wants is the kind that gets us closer to killing people for speaking against The State the government that the other politician who had a cult of personality liked.

With apologies to the artist for not properly linking to the comic strip:

You know what would really make Hillary the Smartest Woman In America? If this 'symbolic vote' between her and Barack [Redacted] Obama (you know: racism vs. sexism as the Democrat Choice) was the final move in a masterfully played chess game. She deceived the nation into thinking Obama was the one, got him to pick a running mate that would finally sink him with the Youth Vote and then She's the Nominee and she's been spared MONTHS of SCATHING (read: true) coverage in the right-wing (read: objective) media. Not that it would help, because she almost comes pre-fisked out of the box, but still... if someone is not paying attention enough to vote Hillary in a primary, maybe the shiny bauble Obama's campaign will have kept them from paying attention to her, and they'll still Love her.


Remember to Vote, people. At least you can cancel out somebody else's vote for a genuine Socialist.

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