Friday, August 22, 2008

With Baited Breath...!

The world is waiting...

for Obama...

to name his Vice Presidential running mate!

Let's talk about the choices before they are made, and give him a few more minutes to change his mind if somebody says something bad about his choice...

Seriously, isn't there a bank robbery or a kitten in a tree to report on this morning? There was an 18-wheeler burned to the pavement fouling up my commute this morning. You can hardly catch a whiff of that except in the traffic report. It's all about Obama's successful domination of this week's news cycle. Good job on that anyway. Whatever happened to campaigns starting Labor Day with the running mate announcements made by press release, unnoticed, sometime later?

I'm sure I'll have something disparaging to say about whomever he picks, so come back later.

How did this guy get this far? Are we too late to pull for Hillary at the convention? She muscled Obama into getting a vote to choose between them... let's hope she wins it!

Socialists: BOO!

Socialism: 100,000,000 dead and still going strong!

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