Wednesday, November 12, 2008

When Mommy's Sick, Everybody Feels It.

My Lovely & Talented Wife was feeling under the weather today, and didn't cook breakfast or (gasp! ) even lunch for the chirrun. #3 didn't want anything to do with that lowly store-bought baby food until hunger got the best of him. At supper-time, #2 came out with his preference for supper... chicken.

Raw chicken.

Sealed in a three pound vacuum sealed package from the grocery store. "I want to eat this. Will you cook this?"

Both the Wife and I did an admirable job of refraining from laughter, and I went and helped him to pick something that required less cooking.

He had a carrot instead (this was after he had already had a turkey sammich) to finish filling his little stomach.

To me, that right there is a sign of a wife doing a good job keeping the kids in some good home-cookin'.

Thanks honey, and keep up the good work!

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