Saturday, November 22, 2008

Rep. Joe Knollenberg: Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish!

Rep. Joe Knollenberg, R(INO)-Mich., said that your money is not your money. He actually had the unmitigated gall to say that the bailout money is not your money. Technically it's China's money right now, and your grandchildrens' money in 30 years when we are still trying to pay it back, but to me, that's close enough.

This sort of asinine thinking is what LOST the white house for the Republican party. They pushed left when the conservative base was looking for a push right, and I know of several people in my own little circle who either didn't vote at all this year out of distaste for McCain, or else they voted for Palin, and McCain wasn't the candidate in whom they were interested. Because they are hard-core (i.e. "normal people") conservatives and McCain is NOT.

If the Republican Party doesn't swing right, HARD, in the next 2 years, we are going to have an ugly 2nd-half of the Obama administration with Democrats in control of 2/3rds of the Federal Government.

Rep. Joe Knollenberg lost and was replaced by a Democrat. Good. I hope his constituents will get a chance to vote for a conservative in 2010.

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