Monday, November 10, 2008

The Brownshirts Ascendant


This video is incomplete.

It purports to show a man arrested simply for wearing a T-shirt supporting a different political group than the one holding a party in the street.

It also (to me) shows a man who is possibly drunk, mildly combative, and already well into his confrontation with the police.

I think another 3 minutes on the front end of this video are necessary to make a proper judgment, but IF it shows a man being arrested for wearing a shirt, well, that's . . . interesting.

I'm not even 1/2 convinced that's the whole story, though, so I reserve judgment.

I am reminded of the woman who apparently made up an attack including scratching a B in her face, and blaming black thug Obama supporters. That one smelled even fishier than this one so I didn't even mention it.

::shrugs:: we'll see what happens, I guess.

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