Saturday, July 19, 2008

Independence is Highly Overrated

From CNN

You see, they declared independence and it all went to [expletive deleted]. Now there is an exchange rate of $100B Zimbabwean to $1US.

It's not presented as: the racists took over, kicked out all the whites who were the only ones making anything of any value and gave it all to blacks who didn't know how to make even so much as food, even though their lives depended on it, and now they don't make anything and the only thing the government is doing to combat the problem of not enough money is print more money and crush the political opposition with violence.

No, it's not news, it's Not biased against capitalism at all.

1 comment:

dc46and2 said...

"The RBZ has noted with concern the unjustifiable and incessant general increases in prices of goods and services. It is therefore appealing to the business community to follow ethical business practices as well as take an interest in the plight of the general public..."

Ha! The government pays the bills with the printing press and destroys their fiat currency, then blames the devalued currency (inflation) on the business community. Next they will impose price controls to force people to accept their worthless paper. Idiots.

I guess I can't be too self-righteous though, since we do the same here. For example, the government goes stirring things up in the middle east while the Fed devalues the dollar and the government blames high oil prices on "greedy" businesses.

So sad that most folks are buying into this nonsense. Even the "economist" quoted in the article says they need to increase production to reduce inflation! Try the opposite, smart-guy. If you want production, stable money is required (stable in value.)