Sunday, July 20, 2008

Obama: Put Up or Go Home.

So, is Obama qualified to be the next President?

Hold on there.

Not as in "won't run the country into the ground", by which criterion he is clearly NOT qualified.

As in, "are you a natural born citizen of the United States of America?", the answer to which is apparently either "No" or "Not telling," depending on whom you ask.

If you ask Obama, you get a blatanly forged and photoshopped fake as a $3 bill Certificate of Live Birth, from one of the most left-wing websites EVAR.

Obama campaign, you have been found endorsing something that is not just a little fake. It's fake like the Ferarri badges on my Buick.

Hosted at Atlas Shrugs 2000 (above linked), reported on by the Joooooos at Israel Insider, via World Net Daily.

So, unless you want to also sell my bridge for me, Obaminitly, it's time for you to produce a genu-wine "this dude is from here" paper, because it looks like you might be losing that nomination after all. And, maybe, going to Federal prison for fraud (and not because of all the flip-flops, either).

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