Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives: Hypocrites!

The ATF has lost SCORES of firearms. 2 of them were recovered after being stolen and used in a crime, and fewer than half were even reported stolen, as required by BATFE regulations. Great job guys, it's good to know the "only ones" are really keeping their game tight.

You know, unlike some other people. Like the people at Red's Trading Post, who were very nearly driven out of business by the BATFE for not dotting their i's and crossing their T's, and having the audacity to post photographs of ATF inspectors doing normal things in public places, and reporting publicly available knowledge. I guess they would just storm in and shoot a gun store owner right in the face for losing 76 guns.

But for them?

My bet: maybe a slap on the wrist if that. Nobody jailed, fired, or resigning in shame. You know, just like after Ruby Ridge and Waco. After all, this is really the first time they have ever messed up even a little!

Hold on there.

This is part of the United States' Federal Gummint, paid for by your tax dollars, completely falling down on the job. Again.How much longer will this agency exist? How much longer will you suffer them to suck your tax dollars? I'm writing my Elected Heroes as soon as I get done with this posting... will you?


By the way, Col. Cooper was of the opinion that someone who wears a mask is ashamed of what he is doing, and if he has a gun, he is a legitimate target. Things that make you go, hmmm.


76 people died at Waco, for legal infractions involving paperwork and machinery. The same number of guns are currently being reported lost/stolen/missing from ATF hands. Poetic justice writ small.

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