Friday, September 26, 2008

Well, You Can Drill, But You Can't DIG!

The Democrats were forced by you to let the ban on offshore oil drilling expire. Now they are back at it, trying to extend the ban on exploring for oil shale.


We're the Saudi Arabia of oil shale. And we have a legislative prohibition on going and getting the oil out of the shale. And now they're trying to extend the ban (again)(again). Nevermind that the world price of oil over $100/barrel is driving the price of gas over $4/gallon, and your wallet is feeling the pinch.

Democrats: for the working man!

Remember that when you vote for them in December.


*yes, there is an environmental concern. Are you more concerned about *maybe* contaminating drinking water, or your ability to pay your water bill? You can clean water. Heck, you can even take the water (duh) out of the ocean, drink it, clean it, and put it back. You can't burn water in your gas tank.

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