Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Shooting At Luke AFB, AZ

A couple of people in a stolen car tried to run the main entrance gate at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona. This turned out better than one might hope: one dead, one injured. Too bad an insurance company is going to have to pay out for the car, but at least the world's population has been thinned-out by one car thief. The other lives yet, I hope soon to roll on his partners in crime and turn state's evidence.

I shake my head at the people on the Internet who seem to genuinely want this to be an act of terrorism. Do you people really want to be the next Israel? Really? If so, feel free to go over there and see if you like the atmosphere, with armed guards literally all over the place and the constant threat of the Religion of Peace trying to blow you up for not submitting to their stone. It wouldn't surprise me if the car thieves had yabba-dabba names. It also wouldn't surprise me if they were just a couple of car thieves who thought it was 'only' another Policeman, not an Air Force Policeman, who was ordering them to stop.

Congratulations to the AFP at Luke for above-average marksmanship. Reports have both occupants of the car shot, one fatally. Bravo Zulu.

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