Sunday, February 7, 2010

Don't Send Me E-Cards, People.

I have yet to get a virus on my home computer. I aim to keep it that way. I will never - but - never open an e-card, e-greeting, or anything with a title like that. I will never open anything from anyone with no title. I will never read email with a title that says "yourname has invited you to fillintheblank." Ever. I will ping you with a confirmation email before I open anything with an attachment unless I asked you to send it. I don't click on links to other webpages in emails.

If you want me to read an email, the surest way is to let me know you are sending it by some other means of communication. Make the title something that doesn't say FWD:, RE:, or any combination of the two. If it is important enough for you that I read what you send, take the time to hit backspace 4x and get rid of the FWD: in the title, mmkay?

I just deleted 200+ unread emails from ONE of my inboxes, and that's just the first page.

That is all.

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