Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Unexpectedly " Hits Social Security

"Things are a little bit worse than had been expected," says Stephen Goss, chief actuary for the Social Security Administration. "Clearly, we're going to be negative for a year or two."

To rephrase: The Sacred Trust, the one where you dole out over 12% of your gross pay into a by-god LOCKBOX, and the government will give it back to you with interest at the time of your retirement? You know the one? Yeah, it's out of money.

What? How can it be out of money? I didn't even retire yet!

The money you pay, that is supposed to go for your retirement, is spent before you pay it. It goes to current retirees as well as welfare brood mares on the public teat. The Social Security Administration is set up so your precious retirement funds go straight into the General Fund of the Treasury of the United States, where it is instantly spent to buy votes for your Elected Heroes.

is saving your Social Security money for you. When you get to retirement age, it will not be there. And, starting this year, we are going to be borrowing money at interest from China to pay current retirees. There is officially LESS THAN NOTHING left of your retirement money.

What are you going to do about it?

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