Monday, February 15, 2010

Debra Medina 9/11 Truther Non-Controversy

The local radio talk show folks were still going this morning, on Debra Medina's comments on the Glenn Beck show last week. She was asked if she thought the government was involved in the 9/11 attacks. Her first answer was a squrimy politician's non-response that was, to euphemise, badly received by some Texans. Then she was asked about the possiblity of a campaign staffer being a troofer, and she gave a positively beautiful answer about not wanting to be the "thought police." A few hours later she came out and for the record and announced that she, herself, isn't a troofer and (leaving aside any question of government involvement) the attacks were definitely carried out by "Muslim terrorists." This necessary clarification has got her branded as just another politician by the people who want to see somebody else in the Governor's office. It has also got her well and truly branded as a troofer.

Hold on there.

Regarding the government's involvement: perhaps she tripped, mentally, over all the exipred Visas not followed-up on, and fraudulent Driver's Licences issued to the 9/11 attackers by _________ (rhymes with hoverment). Perhaps she was thinking about the policies that prevent private citizens from carrying guns on planes, which were put in place by __________ (rhymes with covered mint). Her answer sucked, sure, and it was definitely not "troofers are stupid" like it seems everyone wanted to hear. What it was NOT, is "Yes, Glenn, I am a 9/11 Truther and you should totally go to if you want to read the real deal holyfield man, it's an inside job!" Or was it? Should we go back and review the tapes again?

What she said about a campaign staffer being a troofer was just FINE. What does it matter what someone thinks privately, as long as they work toward the goal of getting her elected and keep their crazies to themselves? Is it a flip-flop when you come out and expand on your earlier words but don't contradict them?

Think about this next question for a second. I mean, really THINK about it:

Do you REALLY want a Governess of Texas who does think she should be The Thought Police?

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yeah, me neither.

I also don't want the apparently-crooked Farouk Shami as Governor. When Shami was asked about this little dust-up, he said (and I quote, I heard this with my own ears): "the jury is out" on what exactly happened on 9/11. Hello? Sure, there may be some questions about the details, but you don't say "the jury is out" when the other guy (gal) just got egg on her face for saying something similar to that! What are you, pandering to the troofer demographic? You also don't say we should go soft on hiring illegals because it would hurt employment at your factory, or openly bribe one of your chief competitors in the race for Governor, to drop out of the race. Farouk for Governor Private Citizen!

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