Tuesday, February 9, 2010

You Don't Get To Say What You Will Do In Congress.

President Obama says, regarding his socialist medical agendum:

"I am going to be starting from scratch in the sense* that I will be open to any ideas that help promote these goals . . . What I will not do**, what I don't think makes sense... will be another year of partisan wrangling around these issues, another six months, or eight months, or nine months worth of hearings in every single committee in the House and Senate*** in which there is a lot of posturing... Let's get the relevant parties together****... My hope is we can find enough overlap***** that we can say, 'This is the right way to move forward," even if we don't get every single idea that I want.******"

*I will not be starting from scratch in the sense that I am open to any ideas that do not promote socialist medical reforms, specifically I am not open to any of the TWENTY Republican-advanced reform ideas that I, as Senator Obama voted against during my 150 days vast experience in the Senate.

**What I wish those doody-heads in the people would let me not do

***I know, as a legislator, that this is the normal course for any legislation, let alone legislation that is going to change 1/6th of the world's largest economy. I don't like the normal course of action. If it looks like I have to cram it through the reconciliation process I'm going to dam-sure try to. I'm conveniently ignoring until I can demagogue it and make the republicans out to be the bad guys for doing it, that this will lead to endless parliamentary stall tactics that will take at least a year, or until we can bribe somebody enough to switch sides.

****Let's see if we can't get some Republicans to accept a bribe like we almost sneaked by with last time

*****And by overlap, I mean any necessary combination of bribes and minor, inconsequential compromises that may be required to get my pet bill baby through the Senate and House of Representatives

******I said I was a fan of a single-payer system. It looks like the proletariat isn't ready for that just yet. Don't worry. I'll sneak it into a Defense Appropriations Bill or something, and get exactly what I wanted, later.


You have to read between the lines with characters like this Obama. I did it during the campaign season and tried to warn you, just like Savage, Limbaugh, Ingraham, Boortz, etc. did. You didn't listen then. Are you listening now?

What are you going to do about it?

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