Friday, June 5, 2009

Don't Like Fat Jokes? Don't Be Fat!

OMG! Yahoo! "News" (a source that pops up from time to time when I log out of my email) reports that Miss Clarkson is tired of the fat jokes.

You know how you can end fat jokes, Miss Clarkson? Lose the weight. Otherwise, understand that you are fat, look different to people with what used to be referred to as "normal" bodies, and they are going to make fun of you because of it. It comes with the territory.

Note: I also give my Darling Wife a hard time when she complains of having an headache, when she tells me she hasn't taken a Tylenol. Same song, different verse.

Furthermore, for the record, while she is fat, she is not what used to be called "a tub o' lard" and if she carries herself properly, only an [deleted] or a queer would make fun of her for her girth.


David said...

So does your wife read your blog?

Vote For David said...

LOL I just realized that I arranged my paragraphs poorly! The last paragraph no how refers to my Darling Wife!

No, no, my Darling is in good shape. She's training for a half-marathon actually. And she only reads when I show her something I think she will enjoy particularly.