Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Kenney's Health Care "Reform": The Opposite Of What We Need.

Senator Ted Kennedy's "healthcare reform" initiative is a much more snuggly-sounding phrase than President Obama's Fascist Foot In The Door Act of 2009. What could possibly go wrong?

Well let's see . . .

The Congressional Budget Office has run an estimate (run it the cheap way, without employer mandates, by the way) and the CBO numbers put Kennedy's proposal at a ONE TRILLION DOLLAR deficit over the next ten years. . .

. . . to insure that the federal government will PAY FOR health care for 16 million people. . . .

. . . leaving 36 million without healthcare insurance still. . .

. . . nevermind that they could all walk into any emergency room in America and get free TREATMENT, today.

The proposal will also, according to the lessons of history as well as common sense, destroy the greatest health care system in the history of Earth. There will be NO WHERE to go when the American health care system fails. Thousands, even tens of thousands if not more, lives will be lost because of the substandard and rationed care they will be able to get "free" in what used to be a good system with some flaws.

The doctors of our country know something President Obama and Senator Kennedy hope you don't know. That's why they BOOed the President during his address to the American Medical Association. Good for them. Good for us, too. Hitler had the Booers at his speeches beaten to a bloody pulp by his friends but Obama has not (yet?). Maybe there's still hope for America.

They booed when he said he was not in favor of limiting malpractice lawsuit judgements. You know, the million-plus dollar awards given in court for "mental pain and anguish?" Those awards to plaintiffs are the reason that your OB/GYN has to pay $200,000 a year for malpractice insurance. If they didn't have to pay that much, they could charge that much less, n'est-ce pas? Would you need some insurance company to pay for office visits then? No? Problem fixed? Yes? Well then let's just convince the Democrats to go against one of their biggest cash-cow lobbying groups (the trial lawyers) and we'll have this thing wrapped up next year . . .

Oh, wait.


Update: The Congressional Budget Office says it will also kill the "private option" for 23 Million currently-insured people using current private insurance plans.

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