Monday, June 29, 2009

Obama: Your True Colors Are Showing, And They're RED.

An abortionist is murdered and the next day there is genuine outrage from the white house. An American soldier is murdered and another soldier is injured in an obvious islamist-religion-motivated attack in the US mainland, and we hear from the white house . . . crickets.

Iran, a country headed by a repressive islamic regime, had an election for President. It was obvious from the first DAY after the election that the incumbent stole the election. The citizenry took to the streets in protest by their hundreds of thousands. President Obama says he doesn't want to "meddle". It takes TWO FULL WEEKS, hundreds of murders and thousands of unjust imprisonments by the Iranian government (against political protesters) before Obama reads off the Teleprompter in a straight deadpan monotone that he is 'outraged.'

Israel, a democratic, tolerant, inclusive, FREE nation seeking only peace with neighbors whose stated goal is to wipe it off the map because it's full of Jooooooos, responds to indiscriminately murderous violence against its citizenry with surgical strikes against the people doing the killing. Surgical in this case means a few civilians die because they allow terrorists to hide in their midst. Obama tells BB to knock it off. He also refuses to acknowledge Israel's right to claim land they won in a war that the former landholding nations STARTED.

And now, in Honduras. . . . The President, a communist dictator tried to rewrite the constitution according to his own whim. The courts forbade the army from implementing the "new" constitution [see update, below]. The Army did the right thing (finally) and arrested the dictator and kicked him out of the country in his pajamas. What else could he do? President Obama the next day speaks out in support of the deposed dictator, and a chorus of voices from the lovers of justice joins him. You know, people like (socialist) Secretary Clinton, and (communists) Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez.

You don't have to ask Obama whose side he is on. If you understood what I just wrote, it's plain as day whose side he is on. His own words to the contrary notwithstanding, it ain't our side.


The friend of my enemy is my _______.


Is this the change you were hoping for?


Update: I posted the above from memory. Uncle points us to a post by DirtCrashr describing more accurately what happened. It also shows the real reason Obama is so swift to react against the actions of the Legislative, Judicial, and Military branches of the Honduras government: he doesn't much care for proper checks on Executive power and this was the ultimate check on an executive.

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