Friday, June 26, 2009

Oh, THAT'S Why My Car Is Warm Inside!

I had a temperature/humidity sensor to test here at work. I think yesterday was day 10 of 100+ degree temperatures in Central Texas with a record of 105ºF. My car said it was 108º on the highway Wednesday evening.

Anyhow, I took this thing outside and stood around in the shade until it stopped increasing very fast (100ºF 50%RH) and then set it on the concrete steps in the sun and waited. When I called off the test a few minutes later, the temperature was still rising, but pretty slowly.

What do you think? Could your child or animal survive very long in a locked car with the windows up in an environment like this?


Sure it's dry heat. Dry like an oven. Even with a light wind, 20%RH is not enough to overcome 127ºF in the sun. Sorry, it's just not.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the country, crops are in danger from the record cool temperatures and high rainfall, and the Socialists in Congress are trying to pass a several thousand-dollar PER YEAR tax on you to stave off glowbul wormening at the same time Australia, New Zealand, Czechoslovakia and Poland are looking to back off their own environment-saving scams schemes. Spain of course would like to back out of the Green Revolution (as it's eating them alive) but they are too far into it to do so without political turmoil.

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