Monday, February 14, 2011

I Am Serious, And Don't Call Me Shirley.

House Finance Committee Chairman Rand Paul was on with Mark Levin tonight as I was driving home. Some fun quotes:

"not a serious budget"
"ignores the obvious"
"doubles the debt in 5 years and triples it in 10"

President Obama's budget proposal is being hailed by the leftists as a bold deficit-cutting measure, for cutting a trillion dollars over the next TEN YEARS. Those of us who are a little better at math realize he is taking one step back for three or four steps forward, even taking the headlines at face value. Then you tack on the costs of Obamacare, and we're sunk.

Rep. Paul said he asked the Congressional Budget Office to run the numbers out into the future. What would the income tax rates have to be to pay for this deficit spending, when his children are his age (their 7 years to his 41 years) assuming we keep on spending money we don't have?

Minimum tax rate hike: 10% goes up to 25%, and the highest tax bracket goes from a third to 88% . . . and that's just the FEDERAL taxes. This should be the leading message, if the Republicans can pull their collective head out . . . .

But don't worry about the 88% tax rate. The CBO said their computers blew up at 2037, and the economy will have crashed HARD long before then.

What are you going to do about it?


Nota bene: If this budget proposal can't pass both houses, we have two choices: the Republicans lose huge in 2012 due to a government shut down that would be blamed on them despite it being the Democrats' fault, or Continuing Resolutions that keep funding operations at current levels. Either way, Obama and the Democrats stand to win: they keep their record-high deficit spending levels, or they look good next November. This will take some canny footwork by the Republicans to avoid. I am not very optimistic about this.

It is only somewhat comforting that we have a man like Paul at the head of the committee responsible for writing the actual budget. This is going to be ugly. Let's see if if makes your local news!

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