Tuesday, February 3, 2009

First Commercially Cloned Dog Delivered.

No, Seriously.

That's right, for the low, low price of $155,000 you, too, can have a genetic copy of the pet you cared for way too much! We'll go ahead and leave out the part about how it will not be the same dog complete with all the personality quirks you know and love, and the tricks someone else trained into your pooch will have to be trained into this one, too.

For about 1/1000th that price, you could adopt the same breed of dog from a pound and get exactly the same breed-specific 'personality' traits and instincts. But then I guess you would have to change your vanity license plates to have a picture of you with your new dog. And that was several cosmetic surgeries ago when you looked better, so it's straight out of the question.


Hooray Capitalism and all, but we have people starving to death in Africa and you could keep them alive for a year (like an entire village full) AND supply them with medical care, for the price of one dog. And you people are paying for this? Seriously? Oh well, the Bible does teach us that riches certainly make themselves wings.

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