Monday, February 2, 2009

There's Something Bad Wrong With (some) Japanese People.

If you're not reading News of the Weird, you are missing stories like this:

The Rental Society: Among the services available by the clock in Japan (according to a January BBC dispatch) are (1) quality time with a pet (about $10 an hour at the Ja La La Cafe in Toyko, usually with dogs or cats but with rabbits, ferrets and beetles available); (2) no-sex quality time with a college coed (flattering conversation by the hour at the Campus Cafe, less expensive than the geisha-type houses); (3) and actors from the I Want To Cheer Up agency in Tokyo, to portray "relatives" for weddings and funerals when actual family members cannot attend, or to portray fathers to help single women with their parenting duties, or to portray husbands to help women practice for the routine of married life (except for sex). [BBC News, 1-12-09]

I know not every Japanese person out there is a loony-toon, but these people are making your country look pretty crazy.

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