Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Glimpse Into America's Future?

Hugo Chavez has won a great victory for Socialism in Venezuela. He is, after a constitutional amendment just voted in by the people of Venezuela, allowed to run for President again. As I read this article on Yahoo! News, I noted that

a) there was a sizable minority against the change, committed patriots who are still working within the system (not yet to the "shoot the bastards" stage)
b) the change was voted down a few years ago
c) the President got a new constitution for Venezuela shortly after he first took office, which limited him to 2 x 6years in office. He was in favor of limiting the number of terms . . . back then


d) put yourself in the U.S. of A in 10 years, after a handful of elections have gone toward the Socialist/Democrat side most of the time, and consider:

If you substitute Obama's name for Chavez', and strike out the part about how Chavez was a soldier, is it too far-fetched to think this article might be written about OUR nation?


If you favor a Constitutional Convention to reform the tax code, remember what happened the last time we had a C.C. to reform the Federal government. And for crying out loud remember the LOW QUALITY of our current politicians! NO! Just say NO! to a Constitutional Convention for ANY stated purpose! For as long as any of the current crop of jerks is in office!

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