Saturday, February 28, 2009

Obama: STILL Unwilling To Prove Qualification for Presidency.

This is not Chicago. Problems do not just go away in America because you ignore them. Philip Berg is still trying to get the President to prove (by showing one sheet of paper which he could request by mail if it existed) that he is not an illegal alien from Kenya.

Savage had Berg on the radio a few days back and I forgot to mention it but I will now, and mention that Berg is not the only Serious Person unwilling to just let the whole unpleasant affair drop.

Still I have not seen a report on this national controversy in the obama-friendly mainstream press. I guess it doesn't help my odds of seeing that report, that I don't watch the mainstream news. Nah, that's like saying that playing the lottery increases your odds of winning. (that's a government school math joke, haha)

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