Sunday, August 21, 2011

Math Teachers Teach Math

For Day 37, they prepare Lesson 37 and teach it a few times. Maybe they teach Lesson 37 to the smart kids' class and rehash lesson 19 again for the dummy class, but it's all math (or breaks). Two, maybe three lessons, taught at* a few dozen children.

Home school teachers prepare math, language, history, science, Bible, and whatever else they teach, for each grade level, every day. This is day zero. A dozen lessons have to be prepared-for, for only two children. Tomorrow is the first day of school, and we'll be getting ready for it until the wee hours of tomorrow.

While you are waking up at 05:00 we will be asleep. Your children will be in school when ours wake up, and you will have done zero lesson/class preparation, just like every other school day. And they will be in school all day doing three hours of work.

Your kids' teacher will have done a bit of prep work too, for one subject. My kids' teacher does not get a pay check for her work, but yours does. Don't talk to me about how underpaid government school teachers are.

*yes, at, not to. Government schools in America do not require the students to learn material presented in their classrooms, only that they pass standardized tests.

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