Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Racist Jokes are Good for Society

Tonight we were at a little boy's birthday party. They had Ritz crackers and chicken salad to spread on the crackers, pretzels, and a two-cookies-thick cookie cake. Rather light on sustenance for a Mexican get together but this is a white-as-rice family and the lack of enough food to get full off of is not unusual. Still, people gotta eat.

I was at the bar loading down a Ritz with some chicken salad, with my arm extended about shoulder-high manipulating the salad serving spoon. A lady (who like me was at the party mostly as a child delivery mechanism) came to get some food. This is a black lady who is a friend of my family's. The room was loud and she quietly said something about getting some crackers as she reached under my arm to the cracker plate.

Lady: (mumble mumble) crackers...
VFD: What did you call me?
Lady: LOL No yew di'int!

And right there I reminded both of us that we are "fed with the same food" and "if you prick us, do we not bleed?"

When you get a chance to make people laugh at the obvious non-differences between the "races" of men, you further the cause of world peace. For the sake of humanity, make (well-meaning) racist jokes!


But carefully choose your audience. I almost got stomped flat for calling BBM "boy" before he got to know me.

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