Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Lithium Ion Batteries Charge Faster, 2 Orders of Magnitude More Powerful

Current Li-ion batteries take minutes to recharge and feature a power rate of 0.5-2kw/g. Researchers at MIT have found a new way to make batteries that give observed power two orders of magnitude higher (170kW/kg) and they can be charged in seconds. How about a battery that charges at 400C and is fully charged in 10-20 seconds, vs. 6 minutes?

If it proves capable of being scaled up into mass production, this is the battery car companies have been waiting for. Drive as far as your car will go on WAY more powerful batteries, then pull up to a filling station capable of providing 180kW in 5 minutes ( ! ) and you have removed one of the main hindrances to electric cars: low range and long recharge times.

Also, this is going to teach a new generation a new type of impatience. Like OMG how LONG does it TAKE to recharge a PHONE BATTERY! It's been, like, 5 SECONDS already!

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